Jimbo Fisher Flips Out When Asked About Jameis Winston

Jimbo Fisher traveled to Birmingham, Alabama to speak to the quarterback's club there. As part of the event he agreed to answer questions for the assembled media. But there weren't supposed to be any questions about Jameis Winston. Those media parameters might fly in Tallahassee, but not in Birmingham. (Unless your name is Nick Saban).
The questions start off easy enough, but then Jameis Winston is broached. After answering the first question about the upcoming campus hearing, Jimbo's asked whether his reputation is taking a hit. And Jimbo flips out, giving the death stare to the reporter who asked the question and then staring down each of the cameras. Then he ends the interview and stalks away.
Here's the media availability in full.
Maybe we're all being too tough on Jimbo and Jameis. After all, as Jimbo clearly points out "Why is my reputation going to take a hit? For backing a kid that's done nothing wrong?"
Well said, Jimbo, well said.
Jameis is basically Mother Theresa.