Iowa students admonished for "Trump!" chants at hoops game

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) A group of Iowa high school students has been admonished for seemingly using Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's name as a racial insult during a boys' basketball game.
The chant occurred Monday during a playoff game between Dallas Center-Grimes in West Des Moines, a largely white school, and Perry, a more diverse school north of Des Moines.
According to DCG activities director Steve Watson, roughly a dozen students out of the 120 or so in attendance chanted Trump's name after their team lost to Perry.
Trump has drawn fire for saying that illegal immigration from Mexico brings rapists and drug dealers into the U.S., among other things.
Watson says the chant was uttered three or four times before administrators stopped the students. He declined to say whether the students were disciplined, citing privacy policies.