How the Badgers ran and passed: Game 14

How the Badgers ran and passed: Game 14

Published Jan. 2, 2015 3:00 p.m. ET

The final edition of this feature for the 2014 season (hold your applause) is a lot more palatable than the pentultimat one, I'm sure.

Some interesting tidbits from the Auburn game include:

-- In a game in which center Dan Voltz was lost due to injury (and early), Melvin Gordon had a season-high six carries up the middle (i.e. over the center spot)


-- Corey Clement had run left wide (i.e. a jet sweep) once all season and it came in the opener against LSU for seven yards. Against Auburn, he had two such carries for 43 and 14 yards.

-- Tanner McEvoy had his first pass since Nov. 8, although it was wiped out as Auburn accepted a holding penalty on the play rather than the incompletion. McEvoy's target was to Gordon.

-- Finally, the upcoming wide receiver corp of sophomore Reggie Love and Rob Wheelwright and freshmen Natrell Jamerson, George Rushing and Krenwick Sanders were not targeted in the bowl game. For the season, they had nine catches on 24 targets. Not what Wisconsin fans expected, I'm sure.

Here's the final numbers (including every penalty) from the season. I hope you found this interesting, informative and/or entertaining.

Run vs. Auburn

LI RUSH 4 3 7
LI YDS 68 6 74
LI AVG 17.00 2.00 10.57
LO RUSH 9 5 14
LO YDS 91 34 125
LO AVG 10.11 6.80 8.93
LW RUSH 0 2 4
LW YDS 0 57 96
LW AVG n/a 28.50 24.00
MID RUSH 6 1 7
MID YDS 20 1 21
MID AVG 3.33 1.00 3.00
RI RUSH 8 0 9
RI YDS 38 0 40
RI AVG 4.75 n/a 4.44
RO RUSH 7 3 10
RO YDS 34 5 39
RO AVG 4.86 1.67 3.90
RW RUSH 0 1 2
RW YDS 0 2 18
RW AVG n/a 2.00 9.00

* -- Includes two rushes by Kenzel Doe (both left wide for 39 yards), one rush by George Rushing (right wide for 16 yards) and one rush by Derek Watt (right inside for 2 yards)

Rush (season)

LI RUSH 58 27 0 13 98
LI YDS 454 152 0 87 693
LI AVG 7.83 5.63 n/a 6.69 7.07
LO RUSH 90 28 1 4 125
LO YDS 791 188 6 12 1009
LO AVG 8.79 6.71 6.00 3.00 8.07
LW RUSH 6 3 5 0 22
LW YDS 109 64 76 0 398
LW AVG 18.17 21.33 15.20 n/a 18.09
MID RUSH 37 19 0 2 58
MID YDS 225 112 0 8 345
MID AVG 6.08 5.89 n/a 4.00 5.95
RI RUSH 74 28 0 5 110
RI YDS 345 161 0 24 540
RI AVG 4.66 5.75 n/a 4.80 4.91
RO RUSH 71 36 0 9 116
RO YDS 599 262 0 57 918
RO AVG 8.44 7.28 n/a 6.33 7.91
RW RUSH 5 5 10 0 32
RW YDS 71 10 67 0 218
RW AVG 14.20 2.00 6.70 n/a 6.81

** -- Includes rushes from Alex Erickson, Natrell Jamerson, Reggie Love, George Rushing, D.J. Spurling and Derek Watt.

Passing vs. Auburn (Joel Stave)

Arneson 5 2 1   1
Clement 2 2      
Doe 5 1      
Erickson 11 5 1 1 1
Fredrick 2 1 1    
Fumagalli 3 2      
Gordon 2 2      

Pass (season/Stave)

Arenson 32 19 1 3   2
Clement 11 9        
Doe 24 12   1   1
Erickson 68 32 3 3 1 3
Fredrick 18 11   1    
Fumagalli 22 10 1      
Gordon 15 10 2      
Love 1 1        
Ramesh 1 1        
Rushing 6 3   1    
Sanders 1 1        
Thrown away 4          
Traylor 4 1 1     1
Watt 3          
Wheelwright 4 1 1 1    
TOTALS 214 111 9 10 1 7

Pass (season/Tanner McEvoy)

Arneson 19 10   1   1 1
Clement 4 4          
Doe 10 5   1      
Erickson 43 18   2   3  
Fredrick 3 2          
Fumagalli 3 3          
Gordon 12 9       1  
Love 6 1 2 1      
Ramesh 2 2          
Rushing 4 2          
Steffes 1            
Thrown away 3            
Traylor 5 3 1        
Watt 1            
Wheelwright 1     1      
TOTALS 117 59 3 6 0 5 1

Note: Bart Houston targets: Corey Clement 1 target, 1 catch; George Rushing 1 target, 1 drop; Eric Steffes 1 target, 1 drop

Penalties (season)


Arneson LSU false start 5 off
Arneson Minnesota false start 5 off
Arneson Rutgers false start 5 off
Arneson LSU holding 6 off
Arneson Purdue substitution infraction 5 off
Ball Auburn holding 10 off
Baretz Northwestern illegal block 6 st
Biegel W. Illinois personal foul 15 def
Costigan Nebraska holding 10 off
Costigan Nebraska holding 10 off
Costigan Northwestern holding 10 off
Costigan South Florida holding 10 off
Costigan W. Illinois personal foul 9 off
Doe Minnesota personal foul 15 st
Erickson Bowling Green holding 10 off
Erickson W. Illinois illegal block 15 st
Figaro Ohio State pass interference 15 def
Fumagalli Northwestern holding 10 st
Fumagalli Rutgers holding 10 off
Fumagalli South Florida holding offset off
Fumagalli Maryland pass interference declined off
Gaulden Bowling Green pass interference 15 def
Gaulden LSU pass interference 15 def
Goldberg Northwestern facemask 8 def
Gordon Maryland false start 5 off
Gordon Nebraska false start 5 off
Gordon Purdue tripping 15 off
Havenstein W. Illinois false start 5 off
Havenstein Northwestern holding declined off
Herring Ohio State offsides 1 def
Hillary Minnesota holding 9 def
Hillary Iowa pass interference 15 def
Hillary Iowa pass interference 15 def
Jamerson Bowling Green illegal block 10 st
Jean Purdue facemask 15 def
Jean Minnesota holding 10 st
Lewallan Maryland holding declined off
Lewallan Minnesota holding 10 off
Lewallan Rutgers holding 10 off
Lewallan Iowa ineligible downfield 5 off
Marz Iowa holding 10 off
Marz South Florida holding offset off
Meyer Auburn delay of game 5 st
Meyer Purdue delay of game 5 st
Musso Minnesota facemask 15 st
Obasih Illinois personal foul 15 def
Rushing South Florida false start 5 off
Schobert Ohio State personal foul 7 def
Schobert Iowa roughing the kicker 5 st
Shelton Nebraska holding 10 def
Shelton Rutgers holding 10 st
Shelton Auburn pass interference 13 def
Shelton Bowling Green pass interference 15 def
Shelton Illinois pass interference 8 def
Shelton Illinois pass interference 15 def
Shelton Illinois pass interference 15 def
Shelton Maryland pass interference 15 def
Shelton Nebraska pass interference 15 def
Stave Northwestern delay of game 5 off
Stave Rutgers delay of game 5 off
Team Nebraska 12 men on the field 5 def
Team Iowa delay of game 5 off
Team Rutgers delay of game 5 st
Team Bowling Green sideline interference 5 other
Traylor Iowa false start 5 off
Traylor Minnesota holding 5 off
Traylor Northwestern holding 10 off
Traylor South Florida holding 10 off
Voltz Rutgers clipping 10 off
Watt Ohio State holding declined off

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