Here's Bryan Allen, the Alleged Autograph Broker at the Center of Todd Gurley's Suspension

Here's Bryan Allen, the alleged autograph broker at the center of Todd Gurley's ineligibility, advertising his local business in Rome, Georgia. Allen, who has retained a prominent Atlanta defense attorney, has not spoken publicly since Georgia ruled Gurley ineligible yesterday afternoon.
But here he is appearing on a local business video that was published back in May of 2013. In the video Allen advertises autographs and apparal and says he can find anything a fan might want.
There couldn't be a controversy without some tie to Florida State quarterback Jameis Winston, of course.
Regardless of whether that Gurley merchandise is linked to Allen, I think it's probably fair to say that Allen, whose business is now closed, doesn't stand a good chance of selling much of anything in the state of Georgia again.