Hayward Hotly Pursuing Pistol Pete's Long-Standing Benchmark

Hayward Hotly Pursuing Pistol Pete's Long-Standing Benchmark

Published Apr. 4, 2014 10:57 p.m. ET

There is no name in the history of LSU basketball that looms larger than that of "Pistol" Pete Maravich, who went on to star for the then New Orleans Jazz after his days of setting records dressed in purple and gold were over in Baton Rouge.

Much has changed since those days in the 70's when Maravich lit up the scoreboard in the Crescent City, including where the team is located, but no Jazz player has reached a benchmark Maravich achieved not once but twice: ending a season averaging at least 16 points, 5 rebounds and 5 assists. Maravich did it in the 1974/75 season and again in 1976/77.

Now, current Utah Jazz star Gordon Hayward may write his name into that exclusive category.


The swingman is close to wrapping up the season just above the line in all the categories.

                 Jazzmen To Average over 16 PPG, 5 RPG and 5 APG in a Season


Player:                           Season              PPG                RPG                   APG   

Pete Maravich.                 1974/75.           21.5.               5.3.                    6.2

Pete Maravich.                1976/77.            31.1.               5.1.                    5.4

Gordon Hayward.            2013/14.           16.0.                5.2.                    5.3

