Getting to know the Magic: Arron Afflalo

Getting to know the Magic: Arron Afflalo

Published Nov. 29, 2012 10:19 a.m. ET

Hip-hop artist Kendrick Lamar wrote in his recent single, “Black Boy Fly,” that growing up he used to be jealous of his childhood friend, Arron Afflalo.

Well, who wouldn’t be? The do-it-all guard for the Orlando Magic has had an inner drive to be the best since his toddler days in Compton, Calif. From the McDonald’s All-American game, to the Final Four in the NCAA, and now even in the NBA, his work ethic has steadily advanced him in the ranks of basketball stardom.

But, Afflalo would rather be in the gym than in the limelight. No tattoos, no ear piercings, not even an ounce of flash when describing his personal style.

Still, his work on the court keeps us all wanting to know more. So the six-year veteran sat down with FOX Sports Florida in this week’s Q&A to share a little more about himself. According to him, his style can be summed up in just one word: Simple.

FS Florida: How much do you love the game of basketball?

Arron Afflalo: A lot. It means everything to me.

FS Florida: Is there anything you are more passionate about?

Afflalo: My family.

FS Florida: You talk about your family a lot. How has their support helped you in your life?

Afflalo: My family is my support system. So, they’ve always created a comfort zone for me through good and bad times.

FS Florida: Tell us about the song “Black Boy Fly” by Kendrick Lamar. How did it feel to have an entire verse dedicated to you in the song?

Afflalo: It felt good. I really appreciated it. Kendrick’s an amazing artist. He’s going to be around for a while.

FS Florida: In the song he talks about how you set an example for the other kids you grew up with. Did you know back then how much your peers looked up to you?

Afflalo: In high school, no. I’m more conscious of it now in terms of being the best me I can be and how that influences others.

FS Florida: What’s a hobby of yours outside of playing basketball?

Afflalo: Pingpong. I played a lot of pingpong when I was in college.

FS Florida: What did you major in at UCLA?

Afflalo: Sociology.

FS Florida: You ever thought about going back and getting your degree?

Afflalo: That’s a good question. If you think about it, I don’t really need it. But, yes I do want to get my degree. I guess it’s just that sense of accomplishment. I’m only 10 courses away, so it would be nice to finish.
FS Florida: What will you want to do when you finish playing basketball?

Afflalo: A lot. I can’t really describe it in two sentences.
FS Florida: Try …

Afflalo:  I’ll be in the business world. I’ll be helping people. That was two sentences (laughing).

FS Florida: Who was your favorite athlete growing up?
Afflalo: Byron Scott and Michael Jordan.

FS Florida: Why Byron Scott?

Afflalo: I grew up a Laker a fan. He was my favorite player on the team. I just liked everything about him.
FS Florida: What do you like most about Orlando so far?

Afflalo: I’d say the fans. The fans are great.

FS Florida: What else do you like about the city?

Afflalo: The weather. It’s nice to be back in a warmer environment, reminds me of home.

FS Florida: Since there is such great weather, do you spend your off days out and about?

Afflalo: (laughing) No, I spend my off days resting.

FS Florida: Just on the couch?

Afflalo: Usually in the bed, sleeping.

FS Florida: How do you pass the time when you’re traveling on the road?

Afflalo: I watch a lot of movies.

FS Florida: Favorite movie?

Afflalo: I don’t really have one. But, I do like V for Vendetta.
FS Florida: You seem to be a very focused person. Where does that stem from?

Afflalo: Just wanting to be my best in everything that I do. I always want to be able to say I gave it my all and I was all the way invested.

FS Florida: You’re always tweeting something inspirational for your Twitter followers to read. What is a quote or phrase that you find yourself repeating to encourage yourself?

Afflalo: Work hard.

FS Florida: That’s a quote?

Afflalo: It is today (laughing). But, “work hard,” that’s what I tell myself all the time in every circumstance. If the work is there the results will follow.
