Garrett: Cowboys weren't mentally tough enough in win-or-go-home losses

Tony Romo's 1-6 record in win-or-go-home games is on the entire Dallas Cowboys team and not just their quarterback, Jason Garrett says.
The Cowboys coach, who sat down with ESPN's Colleen Dominguez for a Sunday interview, talked about attempting to establish a winning culture in Dallas. Part of that process includes building mental toughness, something he says the Cowboys didn't have "by definition" in those six losses in win-or-go-home games.
Garrett has been the Cowboys' head coach for two of those six losses.
"I think you have to be mentally tough to be successful in this league, there's no question about that," Garrett said. "Mental toughness is a really, really important trait for players, coaches and teams in this league. By definition, because we didn't get to those next steps, we weren't mentally tough enough. And we got to get stronger that way."
Later in the interview, talks turned away from football and on to Garrett looking like television actor Damian Lewis, who plays Nicholas Brody in "Homeland." Garrett admits to being a fan of the show but he doesn't seem very interested in talking much about how a television character would perform as coach of the Cowboys.
You can watch Garrett's full response below.
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