Former Piston Charlie Villanueva rants about stolen toilet
DALLAS (AP) -- A former NBA player has taken to Twitter to complain that a toilet was among the items stolen from his Dallas home during a burglary.
Thirty-three-year-old Charlie Villanueva, a former first-round pick who most recently played with the Dallas Mavericks, posted a photo of the space in his bathroom where his toilet once stood.
In a series of sometimes potty-mouthed tweets , Villanueva says his home appliances also were taken during the burglary Tuesday.
The former Detroit Piston described the episode as "mind blowing," saying he's "in shock."
Villanueva criticized police for a slow response to his burglary report, saying he called four times about the purloined toilet.
Another Twitter user created the handle "Stolen Toilet" and responded to one of his tweets by asking: "Charlie are u looking for me?"
They stole my toilet...... I’m not making this shit up. Still waiting @DallasPD
— Charlie Villanueva (@CVBelieve) December 20, 2017