Floyd Mayweather wears incredible fur coat/hat combo while visiting Russia
Dec. 3, 2015 1:51 p.m. ET

Jimmy Traina
We usually see Floyd Mayweather living up to his "Money" nickname by wearing heavy doses of bling.
The boxer, though, showed off his wardrobe versatility while in Moscow, where he invited fans to meet and train with him.
In this video tweeted out by a Russian journalist, Mayweather is rocking a massive fur coat combined with a fashionable fur hat.
В #Москва сегодня ранним утром прилетел мой #misterbig Великий спортсмен и вечный ребёнок? @floydmayweather #МатчТВ pic.twitter.com/7wUtNE5VGw
— Тина Канделаки (@tina_kandelaki) December 3, 2015
The translation of the journalist's tweet that accompanied the video was as follows: "In the early morning hours of today arrived my #misterbig great athlete and eternal child @floydmayweather."