Fantasy Baseball Chat - Week 14

Fantasy Baseball Chat - Week 14

Published Jul. 3, 2013 1:00 a.m. ET

John Halpin's Fantasy Baseball Chat Rewind for July 3 / Week 14:

John Halpin: 
The fantasy baseball chat room is OPEN! Start sending your questions, and I'll be back here at 2pm ET.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  1:37  John Halpin


John Halpin: 
Thanks for stopping by for a special Wednesday edition of the chat. Let's get going!
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:00  John Halpin


[ Comment From jason in COS jason in COS:  ]
Another trade offer pending. Send J Kipnis and A Gordon. Receive Verlander and Carlos Gomez. Do it right? Have M Carpenter for 2B. Or try to switch Carp and Kipnis? Thanks John.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:01  jason in COS


John Halpin: 
I'd do either one, but would rather part with Carpenter than Kipnis.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:01  John Halpin


[ Comment From Jon Jon:  ]
Hey John, Ive missed the past 3 chats and one of my teams is dropping like a lead balloon. RYU Just dropped in one of my leagues pick him up? I can drop Brothers of Hernandez of ARI
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:01  Jon


John Halpin: 
See what happens when you don't have perfect attendance? Yes, I'd drop one of those guys - probably Hernandez - for Ryu.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:03  John Halpin


[ Comment From Jon Jon:  ]
As you probably figured from my last question, I am desperate for saves, no full time closers on the wire. Who can I grab as speculative picks. Have Brothers, D. Hernandez already.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:03  Jon


John Halpin: 
Hmm ... Russell (CHC), maybe Arrieta as a longshot, Gregerson, Jesse Crain.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:06  John Halpin


[ Comment From David David:  ]
Halp better RP option in NL only daily 10 cat: Walden,Bastardo,J.Dominquez of LAD or Parker/Strop of Cubs?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:06  David


John Halpin: 
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:07  John Halpin


[ Comment From Jon Jon:  ]
Im in need of steals. Dead last, have Gardner and Crisp, but they are not doing the trick. Alexi Ramirez, Revere, Ichiro, Pierre, Martin,and Lemahieu are FAs. Who will steal the most with out killing my HR, AVG, HR... (im first in those)
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:07  Jon


John Halpin: 
Revere, then Martin, then Gardner. Gardner could get back to normal and leapfrog those guys, though.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:08  John Halpin


[ Comment From Ethan Ethan:  ]
Hey john! When C.Villanueva gets stretched out for Cubs you think he's a good add in NL only 8 teamer?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:08  Ethan


John Halpin: 
Sure - I like him, even at that depth.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:09  John Halpin


[ Comment From jason in COS jason in COS:  ]
Btw, trade I sent to you over Facebook fell through. Other owner wanted to add M Carpenter at the last minute so I declined.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:09  jason in COS


John Halpin: 
Good for you.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:09  John Halpin


[ Comment From devin lockyer devin lockyer:  ]
who to start konerko or dunn, also who to keep heath bell or jj putz
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:09  devin lockyer


John Halpin: 
I'd keep Putz over Bell, but it's a gamble. Prefer Dunn at 1B if your team is built to handle a bad BA.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:09  John Halpin


[ Comment From Adam Eaton Adam Eaton:  ]
Getting to ready take the field soon. Think I make it this time and good tentative add right now for ROS?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:09  Adam Eaton


John Halpin: 
If you can be stashed in a bench spot that isn't doing anything, sure. 15 SB possible.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:10  John Halpin


John Halpin: 
I wouldn't make a big investment, though.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:10  John Halpin


[ Comment From Trade Imopact Trade Imopact:  ]
How much will the AL East effect Feldman's Value? Worth keeping?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:10  Trade Imopact


John Halpin: 
Not a fan in 12-team mixed, but maybe deeper. Remember when the Yankees were part of the reason the AL East was terrifying for pitchers? Sigh ...
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:11  John Halpin


[ Comment From Logan Logan:  ]
John you think Y.Gallardo stays in NL if traded?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:11  Logan


John Halpin: 
No idea. Really hard to predict that stuff.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:12  John Halpin


[ Comment From Jon Jon:  ]
Dump Gallardo already? Worth replacing with a guy like Clippard or Melencon or stick with low level starter like Hunter, Feldman or Smyly?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:12  Jon


John Halpin: 
Given those options, I'd stick with Gallardo a little longer.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:13  John Halpin


[ Comment From Trade Imopact Trade Imopact:  ]
Can you think of players likely to be trades that will have a major effect on their value? Any bullpen mix ups?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:13  Trade Imopact


John Halpin: 
Closers to worry about are probably Gregg, Cishek, Street if the Padres slump, and maybe Addison Reed. He's young and good, but if the White Sox can get something good in return, they might deal him.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:14  John Halpin


[ Comment From Andy Andy:  ]
Hey Halp! J.Fernandez vs. cards on road. Still a start this weekend in NL only?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:14  Andy


John Halpin: 
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:15  John Halpin


[ Comment From Guest Guest:  ]
Thoughts on Jacob Turner? He's been lights out! Also, is Gallardo ever going to get straightend out? He's killing me!
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:15  Guest


John Halpin: 
Low K rate, lots of weak-hitting opponents so far for Turner. Be careful about expecting too much.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:16  John Halpin


[ Comment From Alex Alex:  ]
Matt Moore, over/under 3.00 ERA the rest of the way?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:16  Alex


John Halpin: 
Over. Throwing more strikes would help.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:16  John Halpin


[ Comment From Jon Jon:  ]
Carlos Santana has been terrible this month, bench him in a weekly starts league? Can grab Perez, Luccroy, or M. Montero
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:16  Jon


John Halpin: 
Prefer Santana to those guys.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:17  John Halpin


John Halpin: 
Timing the bottom of a slump is very difficult. He's the best of that group.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:17  John Halpin


[ Comment From Jon Jon:  ]
Have Segura and A. Cabrera (only SS eligible). Trade one? Who should I target, Im weak at 2b (Franklin & Murphy) and can always use pitching.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:17  Jon


John Halpin: 
Depends on a lot of things. You can probably get a lot more for Segura - maybe an SP2 - if you think you can spare him.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:18  John Halpin


[ Comment From jason in COS jason in COS:  ]
What's up with CarGO? I mean he's a stud but 95 K's already after 115 all of last year....
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:18  jason in COS


John Halpin: 
I don't know why he's whiffing so much. But with all his other dominance, why do you care?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:19  John Halpin


[ Comment From chris chris:  ]
Putz has to get the closer gig back from Bell, right? I need saves, too, and it galls me to carry the both of them.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:19  chris


John Halpin: 
I think he'll get it, but no closer is a lock. If Bell pitches pretty well for a couple of weeks, they might just leave it alone. I'd try to carry both for a little while longer.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:20  John Halpin


[ Comment From jason in COS jason in COS:  ]
How many Jon's are in here today?!
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:21  jason in COS


John Halpin: 
The same prolific Jon, I suspect.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:21  John Halpin


[ Comment From DodgerTom DodgerTom:  ]
Now that Scott Feldman is part of the Oriole's rotation...what can we expect from him the rest of the season?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:21  DodgerTom


John Halpin: 
4.00 ERA, unless he gets sprinkled with the same magic fairy dust that helped Chris Davis and Nate McLouth turn awesome in BAL.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:21  John Halpin


[ Comment From chris chris:  ]
What sort of SP should I be asking for Freeman? I'm thinking Bailey or Lynn aren't quite good enough but I'm not getting any other offers.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:21  chris


John Halpin: 
Forget about Bailey's no-no - he's better than you think. If I needed pitching I'd be OK getting him for Freeman.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:22  John Halpin


[ Comment From Bad Bullpen Bad Bullpen:  ]
Medina, Brothers, Dunn, or Oliver Perez?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:22  Bad Bullpen


John Halpin: 
Brothers, but speculating on trades is an inexact science.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:23  John Halpin


[ Comment From Dont have ESP Dont have ESP:  ]
Halp saw your opinion of Villanueva earlier! I have Lincecum who's been pitching somewhat better lately. Keep Timmy over Villanueva or just make room for both?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:23  Dont have ESP


John Halpin: 
Prefer Lincecum, hard to say if you should keep both.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:24  John Halpin


[ Comment From DodgerTom DodgerTom:  ]
Two young AL pitchers in Texas....Martin Perez of the Rangers and Jordan Lyles of the Astros. Who's the better bet rest of season and long-term?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:24  DodgerTom


John Halpin: 
Are you aware that you've reached the headquarters of the FOX Chapter of the Jordan Lyles Fantasy Fan Club? Perez has plenty of talent, and is still only 22. But, definitely Lyles ROS, and I'd take him long-term as well.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:25  John Halpin


[ Comment From Birds of a Feather Birds of a Feather:  ]
If J.Kelly doesn't work out for Cards do we see Wacha/C.Martinez? I added Martinez and he's in my N/A spot. Thanks
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:25  Birds of a Feather


John Halpin: 
I think Wacha over Martinez this year, but that could change if Martinez keeps dealing at AAA.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:26  John Halpin


[ Comment From Fowl-er Balls Fowl-er Balls:  ]
Rockies wasted alot of healing time by placing Dexter weeks later on DL. Think he comes backstrong or are these bone bruises a ROS problem?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:26  Fowl-er Balls


John Halpin: 
Not my area of expertise, but I suspect he'll be fine. Could come back as soon as July 11.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:27  John Halpin


[ Comment From Shaun Shaun:  ]
Any chance Arrietta becomes a decent NL only 10 cat SP to add during 2nd half?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:27  Shaun


John Halpin: 
I said today on the podcast that I wonder if he could become a closer. This season might be soon for that, though. As a starter, I wouldn't count on much, as tantalizing as some of his past peripheral stats may appear.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:28  John Halpin


[ Comment From jon (jason) in COS jon (jason) in COS:  ]
Stanton poised for a big 2nd half? And what would be the starting asking price? H2H
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:28  jon (jason) in COS


John Halpin: 
Keep - monster 2nd half. 20 homers, at least (pending health, of course).
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:29  John Halpin


[ Comment From chris chris:  ]
Think Rajai Davis gets decent playing time when Cabrera returns? The milkman kinda stinks.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:29  chris


John Halpin: 
I think they'll give Melky every chance to hit. Rajai has flaws as a hitter (no walks), so we can't get blinded by his great fantasy speed.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:29  John Halpin


[ Comment From Alex Alex:  ]
Are the Mariners in a hurry to re-insert Wilhemson as CL in order to try dangle him as trade bait?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:29  Alex


John Halpin: 
I don't think they're in a hurry, but they'll probably let him close soon. It just might happen to coincide with dangling him as trade bait. Fortunately for his fantasy owners, he doesn't make a lot of money, so they might not feel compelled to deal him. Same goes for the White Sox and Reed.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:31  John Halpin


[ Comment From jason in COS jason in COS:  ]
Cause its H2H points league and -95 points over 13 weeks sucks.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:31  jason in COS


John Halpin: 
Oops ...
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:31  John Halpin


[ Comment From Guest Guest:  ]
I've got lots of outfield talent, but my weak spots are 1st (Butler/Rizzo) & 3rd (Fraizer/Headly). Out of my outfield, who would you trade, and who would you absolutely not trade.Holiday, CarGo, I'm in a keeper league.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:31  Guest


John Halpin: 
Do not trade CarGo. I think your first basemen are fine.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:32  John Halpin


[ Comment From Kendall Kendall:  ]
Giving Wheeler another start this weekend Halp? NL only daily 10 cat.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:32  Kendall


John Halpin: 
Yes - Brewers not so great right now. I think Wheeler will come around.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:33  John Halpin


[ Comment From Dodger Don Dodger Don:  ]
Hey John, thoughts on Greinke ROS? Worth keeping?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:33  Dodger Don


John Halpin: 
Keeping? Yes, as long as your expectations have been lowered.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:33  John Halpin


[ Comment From Dan B Dan B:  ]
Hey John! Leonys Martin? Good pickup for H2H points league.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:33  Dan B


John Halpin: 
Yep. Running more than I thought.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:33  John Halpin


[ Comment From fido fido:  ]
is mike moustakas worth a look at thurd
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:33  fido


John Halpin: 
Maybe in deeper formats, but he's gotta show more to be relevant in standard leagues. If that patience makes you miss out on him, it won't be a tragedy.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:34  John Halpin


[ Comment From chris chris:  ]
Big start for Eovaldi against the Cards coming up. The low ERA and WHIP are nice but does he start striking out more guys ROS?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:34  chris


John Halpin: 
I don't know for sure, but I think it'll happen.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:35  John Halpin


[ Comment From NL to AL NL to AL:  ]
John heard anything about any AL SP's heading to NL during dealine trading period?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:35  NL to AL


John Halpin: 
Nolasco, Garza and Gallardo seem to appear in a lot of rumors, but predictions of specific destinations are tough at this point.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:36  John Halpin


[ Comment From jason in COS jason in COS:  ]
Thanks for taking all the questions John! I gotta bail early, headed to Breckenridge for the weekend. Have a great 4th of July, see you next week!
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:36  jason in COS


John Halpin: 
You too, Jason. Everyone say goodbye to Jason!!!
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:37  John Halpin


[ Comment From Good Natitude Good Natitude:  ]
Halp think Rendon stays for the duration of ROS with the Nats?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:37  Good Natitude


John Halpin: 
Hmm ... probably. Espinosa could change that if he starts hitting at AAA, but check his stats. They're horrendous, like he suddenly forgot how to play baseball.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:38  John Halpin


[ Comment From Paul Paul:  ]
Bench CJ Wilson Vs Boston?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:38  Paul


John Halpin: 
Depends on league depth and if there's an innings limit, but I'd lean toward starting him at home.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:39  John Halpin


[ Comment From Le Freaks the Sheik Le Freaks the Sheik:  ]
Go ahead and start Lincecum vs. LAD's at home?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:39  Le Freaks the Sheik


John Halpin: 
NL-only? Yes. Otherwise, probably.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:39  John Halpin


[ Comment From Oops Oops:  ]
Sorry for the partial question a minute ago... I've got lots of outfielders but I'm weakest at 1st (Butler/Rizzo) & 3rd (Fraizer/Headly). Here is my outfield... M.Holiday, CarGo, D.Jennings, Wil Myers, Puig, Carl Crawford, B.Harper, J.Bruce. I'm in a keeper league but I can't possibly keep all of these outfielders.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:39  Oops


John Halpin: 
No, you can't. If I needed help, I'd try to sell sky-high on Puig RIGHT NOW.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:40  John Halpin


[ Comment From Peter Peter:  ]
Can Jordan Zimmermann keep up his excellent performance so far into the second half, or is his bubble about to burst (or at least will he regress to some degree)?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:40  Peter


John Halpin: 
Yes on regression, but he'll still be pretty good. 3.25-ish?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:41  John Halpin


[ Comment From Big Blue Big Blue:  ]
Thoughts on Fife for ROS? I'm starting to buy into I crazy?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:41  Big Blue


John Halpin: 
In a deep league, I'd give him a try. Like the GB%.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:42  John Halpin


[ Comment From Jay Jay:  ]
John, thoughts on Marlins OF Marcel Ozuna? I'm on the fence about picking him up in my league. Can he produce anything besides batting average?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:42  Jay


John Halpin: 
Even the BA is going to drop off. You can do better.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:43  John Halpin


[ Comment From Second half Second half:  ]
Any first half busts that will pick it up (vets like upton or young guys like hosmer)? Any studs that will fall apart?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:43  Second half


John Halpin: 
Puig is as sell-high as you get. Segura can't stay this good, right?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:44  John Halpin


John Halpin: 
On the other side, gotta think Hamels will turn around. I keep waiting for an Edwin Jackson rebound, too.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:46  John Halpin


[ Comment From FenwayFaithful FenwayFaithful:  ]
John- Thoughts on John Lackey for ROS? He looks like a total different pitcher out there.. GO REDSOX!! Thx 4 the time..
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:46  FenwayFaithful


John Halpin: 
I can't find anything to dislike right now. He looks terrific.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:46  John Halpin


[ Comment From Opie Taylor Opie Taylor:  ]
How long does Taylor Jordan stick in rotation for Nats. Can't understand their love of D.Haren!
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:46  Opie Taylor


John Halpin: 
Haren has been pretty good for a long time, and things like his K/BB make you think he'll improve. Jordan has made 9 starts above A ball - unless he pitches great, he's going back to the minors.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:48  John Halpin


[ Comment From jon jon:  ]
Please rank for rest of season: Gyorko,Murphy, Franklin, Weeks, Uggla, Profar, Rutledge
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:48  jon


John Halpin: 
Jon AGAIN? Off the top of my head, Weeks, Gyorko, Murphy, Franklin, Uggla, Rutledge, Profar. The last two guys have playing time issues to deal with.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:49  John Halpin


[ Comment From chris chris:  ]
What's your take on De La Rosa? He's been quite useful in my QS league. I know about the Coors factor but he seems to have learned how to pitch.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:49  chris


John Halpin: 
I hate that low K rate. I don't trust him.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:50  John Halpin


[ Comment From Matt Kemp Matt Kemp:  ]
Looking better off the DL so can i make a bigger impact in 2nd half of season?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:50  Matt Kemp


John Halpin: 
Could you maybe hit a home run once in awhile? I'm worried about you. Thanks.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:51  John Halpin


[ Comment From Pedro Pedro:  ]
Hey John, just got back from the dentist. And was debating over I should start Laroche over Myers tonight in a H2H league. But more importantly, someone dropped Fister. Is Fister a must pickup and should he be trusted against the Indians this weekend? Thanks and Happy Fourth!
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:51  Pedro


John Halpin: 
I'm a Fister fan, and would grab him in any format. I'd start LaRoche against the Brewers, who appear to be starting Jeff Spicoli's teacher (Mr. Hand) tonight.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:52  John Halpin


[ Comment From Guest Guest:  ]
Carl Crawford is heading back, how much of Andre Ethier's playing time will he take?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:52  Guest


John Halpin: 
Some for starters, most of it as time goes on.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:52  John Halpin


[ Comment From DodgerTom DodgerTom:  ]
John, okay, I'll bite....why are you so high on Jordan Lyles? I've had him for his last two starts...nine innings pitched, an era of 9 and whip of 2. Realize its a small sample size, but seems to be heading in the wrong direction after a hot start.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:52  DodgerTom


John Halpin: 
I think he has a bright future, and was rushed as a 20-year-old. Good stuff, keeps the ball on the ground - I own him in my AL keeper league. I don't think he's a bad-a** yet, but I like him better than Martin Perez (which was the question above).
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:54  John Halpin


John Halpin: 
Not expecting any Cy Youngs from Lyles, but I've been trying to add him in keeper formats.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:55  John Halpin


[ Comment From Oops Oops:  ]
Jose Fernandez... Sell high or is he going to keep this up all season?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:55  Oops


John Halpin: 
He'll keep it up, but could reach an innings limit in early September.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:55  John Halpin


[ Comment From chris chris:  ]
What's your take on Cingrani? He DOES have the nice K/9 rate but he never seems to pitch deep into games.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:55  chris


John Halpin: 
Agreed. Fine for NL-only or deep mixers right now. Probably gives up his role again when Cueto returns in a month or so.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:56  John Halpin


[ Comment From chris chris:  ]
Are you an Erasmo Ramirez fan and do you think he's going to break into the mighty Mariners rotation soon? I mean Jeremy Bonderman can't keep this up, no?
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:58  chris


John Halpin: 
Yes, I'm a fan. If he's not in the rotation coming out of the All-Star break, Mariners' fans should storm Safeco with torches and pitchforks.
Wednesday July 3, 2013  2:58  John Halpin


John Halpin: 
Thanks for stopping by, everyone. I'll be back here next Thursday at 3pm ET (not the usual 2pm) for another chat. Until then ...
Wednesday July 3, 2013  3:00  John Halpin


John Halpin: 
... check out my morning blog posts ), hit me up with questions on Facebook ( and Twitter (@jhalpin37), and listen to my podcasts ("Fantasy 15" on iTunes). Happy Fourth of July!
Wednesday July 3, 2013  3:02  John Halpin


[ Comment From Uncle Sam Uncle Sam:  ]
Happy 4th!!
Wednesday July 3, 2013  3:02  Uncle Sam



