Fan makes impressive catch with a baby and a hat

A father at the Detroit Tigers and Houston Astros game made one heck of a grab on a foul ball last night. Take a look.
Is there any question that this is the play of the night?
Not only does this guy catch the ball in his hat, which if anyone has ever tried it we all know how hard it really is to catch a ball in your hat. But, at the same time this father manages to avoid dropping the baby on board right on her head.
I mean I was sitting there watching this thinking there is no way he holds onto the baby and the ball at the same time. In my mind, he was going to have to make a choice baby or ball. Most guys would make the wrong decision.
How about the wife here too? Completely blows my mind with showing absolutely no fear of her husband being butterfingers with their little girl. She is just completely ecstatic he managed to catch a foul ball! Easily a keeper right there!
Only problem with this video is this guy might have a mullet. It is hard to tell whether it is full blown or some type of hybrid. Regardless, only a guy who lives the “business in the front, party in the back” lifestyle of the mullet is able to make a catch like this.
Mullet Dad just coming in hot with pure talent and unrelenting effort.
Also, kind of helps that the ball was coming off a bounce and that no one goes to Astros’ games, but here at FOX Sports Ohio we give you the benefit of the doubt.