Fan designs 'Disbelieveland' t-shirt, Browns brass as Three Stooges

Fan designs 'Disbelieveland' t-shirt, Browns brass as Three Stooges

Updated Mar. 4, 2020 12:15 p.m. ET

After the Browns announced the firing of yet another head coach, Cleveland became the center of the sports world -- for all the wrong reasons, once again.

The move prompted some serious backlash, directed mainly at the Browns front office, which has earned a new nickname from fans. The trio of owner Jimmy Haslam, CEO Joe Banner and GM Michael Lombardi have been dubbed the "Three Stooges". And one fan is trying to cash in on the joke with a cleverly designed t-shirt:

The 'Three Stooges - Disbelieveland' design, which can be found at, is listed with the following description:

THEY ARE BACK AT IT AGAIN in CLEVELAND.... BUILDING DISBELIEF AMONG THE NATIONS BEST FANS!!! The only problem is, there are knuckleheads in the front office. Anyone else sick of their nyuk, nyuk, nyuk attitudes? We have the talent on the field, but not the brains to show for it... BRING BACK BELIEVELAND!!!


The price for a regular t-shirt starts at $17.50.

RELATED: Jimmy Haslam says the Browns aren't run by The Three Stooges (Video)
