Exclusive: How the Josh Hamilton deal went down

So the reporters tracked down the details of this crazy deal that’s sending Josh Hamilton back to the Rangers. But I’m the one with a friend who works for the NSA, so I’m the one who’s got the entire text-message conversation in which Jon Daniels and Jerry Dipoto worked out the deal…
/ hey jd got a minute?
/ sure jerry what’s up
/ my owners willing to consider offers for josh
/ i mean i’ll have to talk to him but if you guys want him we might pay half what josh still has coming
[two minutes later...]
/ ok just talked to arte, he’ll definitely go half because AL WEST SOLIDARITY
/ also because arte really really likes josh and thinks he can be happy there
/ jerry, josh said dallas isn’t a TRUE baseball town
/ but, half!
/ jerry we already have a dh
/ talked to arte again
/ he says you can just have him
/ we'll pay the whole 83M
/ okay jerry. but since we’re pals (also AL WEST SOLIDARITY)
/ just write us a check for 68M and we’ll get the rest
/ and tell arte you suckered me out of that
/ if he really thought josh was worth 125M he’ll believe anything
/ thanks jd, owe you a frapuccino at w meetings
/ np man just send josh along when it's easy, we might need him next year
Seriously, this is one hell of a deal for the Rangers. It's just too bad they've already got a DH.