Ex-president of Honduras pleads not guilty in FIFA probe

NEW YORK (AP) A former president of Honduras has made a U.S. court appearance in the sprawling investigation of bribes and kickbacks involving FIFA (FEE'-fuh), soccer's governing body.
Rafael Callejas (kuh-YAY'-hahs) pleaded not guilty to bribery charges through his lawyer on Tuesday.
Former FIFA vice president Juan Angel Napout was scheduled for an appearance later Tuesday in Brooklyn federal court. Napout had agreed to be extradited from Switzerland.
Honduras officials said Callejas came to New York on the advice of his lawyers.
Callejas served as president of Honduras from 1990 to 1994. He's a current member of FIFA's television and marketing committee.
About 20 soccer officials have been indicted on charges stemming from the U.S. investigation of corruption in the sport.