ESPN Radio host out of Wyoming jail, court date set

JACKSON, Wyo. (AP) ESPN Radio host Ryen Russillo has been released from jail after being arrested on a criminal trespass charge in a Wyoming resort town.
Officials say the 42-year-old host of ''The Ryen Russillo Show'' was released from the Teton County Jail in Jackson about 7 p.m. Wednesday after posting $250 bail.
The Jackson Municipal Court has scheduled his case for Sept. 13. A court official says no attorney for Russillo has been listed.
Russillo of West Hartford, Connecticut, was charged with misdemeanor criminal trespassing after police were called around 3:30 a.m. Wednesday to a condo for a report of a ''highly intoxicated male'' who refused to leave.
Police found the man in a bedroom but there was no evidence of forced entry.
ESPN has declined to comment other than to say the network is looking into the matter.