Dwyane Wade-Gabrielle Union wedding to feature guest confidentiality agreements

Dwyane Wade-Gabrielle Union wedding to feature guest confidentiality agreements

Published Aug. 28, 2014 3:15 p.m. ET

In arguably a case of overdoing it just a tad —or alternatively a very savvy preemptive and pragmatic maneuver — guests who were lucky enough to be invited to the impending nuptials of Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union and are attending the event will have to sign a confidentiality agreement and comply with its terms.

TMZ allegedly has obtained a copy of the supposed agreement and the document reportedly spells out very specifically that anything seen or heard at the wedding and all associated events — specifically any financial details or personal information — are strictly "off the record, on the QT, and very hush-hush," as Sid Hudgens put it in "L.A. Confidential."

It previously had been reported that D-Wade and G-Union indicated in a note included along with the couple's very fancy wedding invitations that cell phones and cameras are strictly prohibited, in order to secure "the comfort of our guests and to protect our privacy." The confidentiality agreement simply is an extension of that condition.


The agreement reportedly lays out that guests who violate the terms contained therein will be subject to cash fines of an unspecified amount, according to TMZ.

In this day and age, with the capability to record, photograph and document information or incidents or events in real time and subsequently disseminate said information almost instantaneously on social media — or at a later, more convenient time — it's hard to argue with the couple attempting to do anything and everything in their power to keep their wedding as private an affair as possible and preserve some semblance of intimacy.

Most folks don't have to deal with these kind of things and annoyances, but high-profile individuals such as this particular bride and this particular groom often have to go to great — and perceptively somewhat extreme — lengths to protect themselves and their privacy. It's kind of sad, but unfortunately true.

All restrictions, conditions and stipulations aside, the wedding will be held this Saturday in Florida in what likely will be a glamorous and enjoyable affair for one and all in attendance. Just no photos, please.

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