Durant thrilled to hear about 'Entourage' movie

Durant thrilled to hear about 'Entourage' movie

Published Oct. 29, 2013 3:51 p.m. ET

Titles and Turtle.

On Monday, Durant revealed he was obsessed with winning an NBA championship. Then later that night, Durant said he was excited about Entourage.

Of course, Durant tweeted his response to Jerry Ferrara, who plays the character, "Turtle."

And who knows, Durant could end up with a role. It wouldn't be out of the question.

"He's actually been real supportive over the years," Ferrara said of Durant. "He actually visited the set not that long ago and we’d love to have him. We had LeBron, might as well have KD."

Tom Brady, Phil Mickelson, Adrian Peterson and Drew Brees are some of the athletes who have been on the show.
