Duck Dynasty stars visit Comerica Park

DETROIT -- The coolest thing about meeting three of the stars of the "Duck Dynasty" reality TV show was seeing that "Uncle Si" actually does tote that jug of tea around with him wherever he goes. That's his constant prop on the A&E show that has gone from cult favorite to mass popularity as the highest-rated cable show.
Si Robertson and his nephews, Jase and Willie Robertson, each threw out a first pitch prior to Sunday's game between the Detroit Tigers and Chicago White Sox. They are appearing Sunday night at the Sound Board in the Motor City Casino Hotel, and got a chance to see the Tigers in the afternoon.
The sellout crowd at Comerica recognized them as they walked onto the field because their long beards quickly catch your attention. They also were wearing Tigers home uniform tops and baseball caps. Willie, of course, wore his standard stars-and-stripes bandana. Many of the fans gave them a standing ovation as they strode to the mound.
"That was some great welcome we got," said Jase. "The crowd was awesome."
Si took the mound and fired a ceremonial pitch to Tigers starting pitcher Doug Fister. Si's nephews flanked him, and Jase threw to Tigers pitcher Evan Reed while Willie fired to catcher Bryan Holaday.
And so, for a brief instant, the Boston Red Sox could not claim the most impressive beards on a big league baseball field.
Their Duck Commander company, founded by Si's brother, Phil Robertson, who also stars on the show, produces three-reed duck calls. It's become a multi-million dollar corporation, and the reality show deals with their business, quirks, tight-knit family and affinity for all things camouflage.
They are huge LSU fans, and so rooting for the Tigers came naturally.