Crazy kickoff return highlights high school football game

If you don't think high school football is a big deal, you must have never been to Texas.
But no matter which state is home, this play to end Friday night's A&M Consolidated High School and Copperas Cove High School game will be one to remember.
In the final four minutes of the game, 44 points were scored between the two opponents, and Copperas Cove looked to have the game in hand after finding themselves with the lead with only one second remaining on the clock.
That is until A&M Consolidated junior Derrick Dick got his hands on the ball during a Copperas Cove squib kick in an attempt to run out the remaining time on the clock.
After a lateral to him and a couple slick moves to get by defenders, Dick found himself the hero scoring the game-winning touchdown return to hand the Tigers a wild 44-41 win over the Bulldawgs.
And that is why high school football is such a big deal in the state of Texas.