Cowboys, Stars engage in Twitter war

The official Dallas Cowboys Twitter page made a blunder Monday when a tweet was posted that took a shot at both MLB and the NHL. staff writer Josh Ellis posted a simple enough comment on his personal Twitter page about his anticipation of baseball season returning, saying "Just six weeks until pitchers and catchers, everybody."
Strangely though, a retweet of Ellis' post appeared on @dallascowboys with a comment of their own:
"Similarly in the category of nobody-cares...the NHL is back!"
The post was quickly removed from the site...but not before plenty of followers to the page captured the comment.
That did not prevent the Dallas Stars' official Twitter page from firing off their own response.
"At least our #9 got the job done."
The post, of course, included a picture of former Dallas Stars standout Mike Modano (No. 9) holding the Stanley Cup over his head after the 1999 playoffs.
No such picture of the Dallas Cowboys' No. 9, Tony Romo, holding a championship trophy over his head exists.
On Tuesday, the Cowboys did respond to the Stars, offering up an apology for their tweet.
"@DallasStars our sincere apologies for the inappropriate tweet posted accidentally. Good luck this season."
The Stars responded by accepting the apology.
Seems like football and hockey can get along in Dallas after all.