Cowboys DE Ware's quad injury may be mild

IRVING, Texas – Dallas Cowboys defensive end DeMarcus Ware has never missed a game in his Hall-of-Fame-caliber career. And he is buoyed Thursday by indications that his quad injury – originally discussed as a Grade-1 strain that might require 10 to 14 days of inactivity – is actually much more mild than that.
"It's two times better than what it was," Ware says. "I do have some push. I actually have been running in the weight room. It's feeling pretty good to me."
Ware did not practice on Thursday. But his ability to run on the leg indicates that his injury is less than a Grade-1 strain. There are likely some fascial adhesion issues (strains on his muscles) but indications are his strength is returning in the leg.
Ware has played in 134 straight NFL games, making up the entirety of his career. His 3-3 Cowboys play for first place in the NFC East this Sunday in Philadelphia and Ware plans on making the trip and testing the leg. If he cannot go, Kyle Wilber will start in his place. If Ware feels the strength is there in his quad, he will play.
All of this positive news comes despite a flood of "sourced" reports that Ware would miss "three to four weeks."
"No, I'm not going to be out three or four weeks," said Ware, who before getting the quad re-diagnosed went on-record with teammates on Monday to tell them he planned on missing no more than two games. "I don't know where that came from. Somebody said it. I know my recovery is pretty fast and I'm feeling pretty good today."