Comment of the Day goes to Borko

Comment of the Day goes to Borko

Published Jun. 13, 2013 12:26 p.m. ET

There's a lot of names being thrown out for the Cavs number one draft pick. Sam Amico added Ben McLemore to the mix in his latest NBA Report. 
Here's what Borko had to say;

I cant help noticing that Cleveland is considering 4,5 names for the 1st pick - Why don't you just offer the first pick to Charlotte for the 4th pick and Bismak or Mullens, in this case you will still get one good back up big man (that u really need) and will have the 4th pick and pick one of the guys you want.
The NBA Draft is only 2 weeks away. The Cavs clearly have a lot of options with their number 1 pick.
