Cleveland news outlet searching for reporter dedicated to LeBron

LeBron James hype is in full force in Northeast Ohio and a Cleveland media outlet is looking to take full advantage of it.
The Northeast Ohio Media Group, consisting of The Plain Dealer newspaper and, has listed a job opening for a position entitled "Sports reporter -- LeBron James beat." Responsibilities of the job include "analyzing and reporting on James' personal sports statistics, his mentoring of younger players and his relationship with his coaches as well as his non-basketball forays in business, entertainment and other enterprises."
Northeast Ohio Media Group vice president for content Christopher Quinn recently spoke with Sports Illustrated's Richard Deitsch about James' return to the Cleveland Cavaliers and what it meant for their coverage.
"It falls to us to responsibly provide as much information as we can about the biggest sports star/celebrity/newsmaker to rise in the region in recent history," Quinn said. "This does remain a resource issue. If I do decide to dedicate someone full-time to covering LeBron, I'll have to adjust elsewhere."
With the inquiry for the LeBron-focused reporter, it's uncertain what that adjustment Quinn alludes to would be. Northeast Ohio Media Group is also looking for a more traditional reporter to cover the Cavs as a result of the departure of Mary Schmitt Boyer, who was the paper's Cavs writer for 18 years.
James continues to be a source of immense interest. Whether it's trips he takes (Brazil and China, recently) or the cupcakes he has delivered (to neighbors as an apology for commotion following his decision), the craving for details on James' forays both on and off the court is seemingly insatiable.