Chef constructs 400-pound gingerbread Wrigley Field

Chef constructs 400-pound gingerbread Wrigley Field

Published Jun. 30, 2017 6:28 p.m. ET

It's the most wonderful time of year!

Gerald Madero, an Illinois country club chef, has done the world a service and constructed a gingerbread Wrigley Field that weighs in at 400 pounds.

“Everybody here, we're all Cubs fans, so, you know being that the Cubs won the World Series, we just thought it was right to make Wrigley Field," Madero told WREX-TV of Chicago.


While the renovations at the actual Wrigley Field may take a few years, this gingerbread creation took just 70 days with crackers and gelatin windows. The hand-operated scoreboard is made of edible paper.

The players on the field are made of Legos, which contrary to popular belief are not edible.

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