Check out the Royals' groundskeeper's 'crowning' achievement

KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Trevor Vance, the Royals' senior director of groundskeeping, wasn't going to take any chances.
Vance wanted Royals fans to get even a little more fired up about the upcoming eight-game homestand that features games against the Cardinals, Yankees and Indians.
So a few days ago, Vance decided to mow the Royals' emblem onto the center field grass at Kauffman Stadium to remind fans just how big this series is.
"I mean, really, we have to get fired up for this homestand, right?" Vance said, smiling. "If we can't get fired up, something's wrong."
Vance isn't sure what inspired him: He mowed a similar crown into the outfield two years ago for the All-Star Game.
"I just thought it would be great for the fans," Vance said.
So far, the response of the photo on Twitter has been overwhelmingly positive.
"I thought it might be," Vance said, grinning.
And how might Royals fans try such a maneuver in their own back yard?
"Don't even try," Vance said. "Waaaay too much work."
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