Charlie Strong banning 'Hook 'em' sign?

Charlie Strong banning 'Hook 'em' sign?

Published Mar. 26, 2014 7:54 p.m. ET

Charlie Strong is taking his role as the new head football coach seriously.

So serious, in fact that he's not allowing his team to throw up their trademark "Hook 'em Horns" sign.

"They'll get it back one of these days," Strong told ESPN's Max Olson.


The new rule is one way Strong is trying to change the culture in the Longhorns' locker room. In addition to the lack of hand signals, players now have to walk a half-mile to the practice fields instead of being bused. The doors to the football offices are also always unlocked with an open-door policy.

"I've told the players that now, when you come up, you can just walk right in," he said. "I just want them to know who we are. When a young man knows that you care about him, he'll do everything you ask of him."

Strong is coaching on a new motto this year: Put the 'T' back in Texas. With this new motto, Strong is focusing on toughness, trust, togetherness and team. It's even written on the back of a T-shirt.

Hey, whatever it takes to get the Longhorns back on track.
