CBS's Tim Brando, Spencer Tillman and Tony Barnhart Discuss BCS "Mulligan" For Oklahoma State, Arkansas Deaths

CBS's Tim Brando, Spencer Tillman and Tony Barnhart Discuss BCS "Mulligan" For Oklahoma State, Arkansas Deaths

Published Nov. 25, 2011 12:00 a.m. ET

During halftime of our epic CBS drinking game that has me buzzing as I type this, I took a break from drinking. What did I hear? Tim Brando, Spencer Tillman, and Tony Barnhart all three discussing the impact that Oklahoma State plane crash deaths and Arkansas's player deaths might have on the BCS standings. 


They all three debated this. 

No one said, "Hold on a second here, maybe we shouldn't call use deaths as an excuse for a football mulligan."


Watch for yourself. 

Now, back to the CBS drinking game that has thousands of you approaching wasted.  

Tim Brando followed up the mulligan comment with a series of Tweets defending his position.

Among them:
