Carey's name carries no recognition with NCAA

Perhaps we missed it amid his offseason legal matters and Arizona's strange wild west recruiting video, but we're pretty sure running back Ka'Deem Carey didn't change his name.
If he did, well, scooped us, as they've got news of Da'Keem Carey leading the list of preseason candidates for the 2013 Doak Walker Award for college football's top running back.
Could this be the work of a dyslexic copy editor? We'd understand if the double capitalization had been botched or the apostrophe errantly omitted or replaced by a hyphen, but swapping letters to create a whole new name?
Come on. This guy was the leading rusher in the nation last season. A consensus All-American.
Then again, "we get no respect" has been the mantra for folks around these parts for many years. When the big networks can't tell the Arizona State Wildcats from the Arizona Sun Devils -- or whatever -- well, you get the picture.