Canadian man saves his dog by punching a cougar

Just a few weeks after a heroic Australian man saved his dog by boxing a jacked kangaroo, a guy out for coffee at a Tim Horton's in Whitecourt, Alberta, Canada, rescued his husky after a cougar ran from out of the woods and attacked it in the parking lot.
Will Gibb told CBC that he let his two dogs go for a run outside, but he heard one of them yelp and ran to their aid.
Via CBC:
"She (Sasha) was crying out in pain and distress so I went running," said Gibb, a 31-year-old technician. "And I saw something wrapped around her so I ran up and punched it in the side of the head. At that point I realized it was a cougar."
"I could see the cougar going for him, so I got between him and the cougar and started swinging and screaming at it, and called for my brother and friend to come give a hand," Gibb said. "And then I reached down for the closest, biggest stick that I could find and I ran back into the trees to go fight the cougar.... I wouldn't recommend everybody wrassle with a cougar, but in this case it worked for the best."