Bush puts 4,800-square-foot L.A. home up for sale

Bush puts 4,800-square-foot L.A. home up for sale

Published Apr. 28, 2014 6:35 p.m. ET

Want to see how a rich-and-famous running back for the Detroit Lions lives?

Better yet, want to live there?

Reggie Bush announced Monday on Twitter that he has put his 4,800-square-foot home in Los Angeles up for sale.


"Check it out peeps!" Bush tweeted. "Just put my Hollywood Hills Estate on the market! Take a look."

He didn't say where he was moving to, but Bush's tweet did include a photo-gallery link with several views of the picturesque property he wants to sell.


The asking price is $6 million for the three-level home that includes a "state-of-art theater," see-through glass floors, an elevator, swimming pool and even a "temperature-controlled wine refrigerator."

Hey, we can dream, can't we?
