Brandon McCarthy on 'The Buzz' talks Twitter, Dallas Cowboys, 'Curb Your Enthusiam', more

Brandon McCarthy on 'The Buzz' talks Twitter, Dallas Cowboys, 'Curb Your Enthusiam', more

Published Dec. 19, 2013 2:43 p.m. ET

You may have seen the story that Diamondback pitcher Brandon McCarthy told "The Buzz" podcast that helmets will be available to pitchers in 2014. McCarthy, who took a devastating line drive to the head in 2012, is helping Major League Baseball design and develop the new headgear.

However, McCarthy opined on many other topics in the interview. He talked about who is his favorite announcer in all of sports (hint: it's a college football analyst), his standing as one of the most popular athletes on Twitter, how his popular grew after his injury ("There was a big explosion when people thought I was going to die.") and why people on Twitter should save the hate for Donald Trump and Chris Brown.

McCarthy also discussed his hatred of the Dallas Cowboys, whether he blames Tony Romo for Dallas'€™ failures ("€œNo, because I'm a rational adult who doesn't simplify things into one narrative."€) and the NFL  ("€œIn no universe is it as popular as it is without fantasy football.")


In a true case of the saving the best for last, at the 31-minute mark McCarthy explains why he can'€™t watch "€œCurb Your Enthusiasm" very often.

You can download the podcast on iTunes or listen to it below.
