Brandon Jacobs receives death threat via Twitter

Brandon Jacobs receives death threat via Twitter

Updated Mar. 4, 2020 1:28 p.m. ET

By Sid Saraf, Some people. Giants running back Brandon Jacobs was on the receiving end of one insidious moron's tweet on Monday. A man, identifying himself as "Andre Raynor," sent this message to Jacobs, who ended up being inactive for his team's first win of the season. "ON LIFE BRANDON IF YOU DON'T RUSH FOR 50 YARDS AND 2 TOUCHDOWNS TONIGHT ITS OVER FOR YOU AND YO FAMILY N----". "FULFIL MY ORDERS STATED IN THE PREVIOUS TWEET OR THAT'S YO LIFE BRUH AND IM NOT PLAYING". Jacobs, to his credit, retweeted the two messages and said, "Look at what we deal with ..." The keyboard tough guy then responded and seemed to back off his comments: "BRO RELAX ITS NEVER THAT SERIOUS..." he wrote. "ITS JUST TWITTER MAN. I TRUELY APOLOGIZE I COULD NEVER ACTUALLY DO THAT. RETWEET THIS PLEASE" "FORGIVE ME MAN ITS NOT EVEN LIKE THAT... REALLY IM TRYNA BE YOUR FRIEND !!" How lovely! We all could use a friend like that. I've said it here before, but I'll say it again. It's just football, people. If you're taking it so seriously that you feel the need to threaten someone's life, seek immediate help. You need therapy and a solid cocktail of medications. The matter was referred to NFL security, according to the New York Daily News. I'm sure they will handle this situation in a prompt manner. Questions? Comments? Send them to and we might respond in our weekly mailbag!
