Bradley Cooper as Roger Clemens almost happened

Not only has there been a Hollywood script written about the fall of Roger Clemens, but reportedly there was a "heated auction" for its rights. According to The Hollywood Reporter, "The Rocket", a script written by Jeffrey Gelber and Ryan Belenzon, was fought over by some Hollywood titans.
Ultimately Black Bear Pictures (The Imitation Game, All Is Lost) won the auction for a price rumored to have topped $2 million, a heavy price that tells us this likely goes to production.
Warner Bros. was in on this script auction as well, with the idea of Bradley Cooper both starring in the film, and producing. Cooper's films have grossed nearly $2.5 billion worldwide.
It is unclear if Cooper would have played Clemens or his (and my) former trainer, Brian McNamee. Nevertheless, someone will be playing Roger Clemens in this movie at some point. My guess is Kevin Costner weasels his way in there somehow.
(ed. - But the real question is, who's going to play Nitkowski?)