Bengals announce club seats price reduction

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE; FRI., JAN. 18, 2013FROM CINCINNATI BENGALS PUBLIC RELATIONS BENGALS 2013 CLUB SEATING FEATURESPRICE REDUCTIONS IN 26 OF 30 SECTIONS Bengals’ Club Seats, featuring prime locations and top-end amenities at Paul Brown Stadium, have been re-scaled, and 85 percent of seating sections will offer lowered prices for 2013. Among 30 Club Seat sections, 26 carry a lower per-game season ticket price -- some by as much as $50 per game. Four sections carry the same price as in 2012, and no prices are being raised in the Club.
“This is the ultimate way to experience a Bengals game, and we’re pleased to offer more varied pricing for fans,” said Jeff Berding, Bengals director of sales and public affairs. “These seats are at the desired mid-level of the stadium, they are larger & cushioned with extra legroom, and they provide direct access to the Club Lounge where you can get out of the weather in well-appointed indoor Club areas. We are also planning to refresh the interiors this off-season, so the space will continue to offer a premium environment.”
Club season seats for 2013 begin at $130 per game and range to $260, based on yard-line location. All Club seat holders have access to the same amenities in seat comfort and Club access. Prices for 2012 were $135-270. Reductions vary by section location, with the biggest savings available in sections that have dropped from $270 to $220 per game.
To obtain further information or to set up a Club area visit, fans interested in purchasing Club seats should call the Bengals Ticket Hotline at 513-621-TDTD (8383).