Beer-drinking 'ghost' of Wade Boggs to appear on 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia'
Jan. 13, 2015 10:20 a.m. ET

Brett Smiley

Hall-of-Fame slugger Wade Boggs also has shrine-worthy beer drinking abilities -- at least so go the tales about Boggs' affinity and capacity for throwing back Miller Lites on cross-country flights during his playing days.
Anyhow, Boggs' allegedly legendary beer-destroying skills form the plot of the first episode of season 10 of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia," titled "The Gang Beats Boggs." On Monday, Charlie Day told Jimmy Fallon that in it, the gang tries to break Boggs' record when, midflight, Charlie hallucinates from alcohol poisoning and converses with Wade Boggs, played by Boggs himself!