Beaches better get ready for Manziel and McCarron

Beaches better get ready for Manziel and McCarron

Published Apr. 28, 2013 3:25 p.m. ET

Texas A&M might still be new to the SEC, so maybe Johnny Manziel isn't quite up to speed that he should not be best bros with a major rival quarterback.

But Manziel is not your typcial college football player. He does what he wants, when he wants ... and that seems to include going on vacations with Alabama quarterback AJ McCarron.

Thanks to the wonders of social media, the two tweeted back and fourth last week about making plans to hit the beach this summer.


Thanks to Instagram, we know just how much fun Manziel has in the sun after his trip to Mexico over spring break.

McCarron, we have no idea what he'll look like hitting the beach, but thanks to Sports Illustrated and "Splash," we have a good idea of what his girlfriend, Katherine Webb, will look like, should she head out on this trip as well.

"We're either going to Key West or Cancun and will hang out with our friends," McCarron told the USA Today in an interview this weekend. "Me and him, we don't ever let that (football talk) bother us. He's a good friend of mine, and he's a funny dude."

So, keep your eye on the Twitter account of Manziel in May ... it will be worth it.

Maybe Manziel can get a fake "Roll 'Tide" tattoo this time ... but only if McCarron gets a matching "Gig 'Em."
