BC-BBM-Minor League Baseball Recaps,ADVISORY

Sports Editors:
The Associated Press has begun providing automated recaps of Minor League Baseball games.
This expanded coverage of the 142 MLB-affiliated teams will be made possible through an arrangement with MLB Advanced Media, which is providing the statistical data, and Automated Insights, which developed the technology that will be used to generate the recaps. AP has been using the same technology for the past two years to automate more than 3,000 stories about U.S. corporate earnings each quarter.
AP's baseball editors and reporters have worked closely with Automated Insights to configure its software to conform to AP standards in baseball coverage.
The recaps, which will average about 150 to 225 words, will only be available to AP Sports subscribers, which means those entitled to the following products in WebFeeds: 100502 - Member Choice Sports Option or 100554 - Member Choice Z Sports Option.
The recaps will be found under the BBM slug (i.e. BC-BBM-Sounds-Storm Chasers) or, in AP delivery systems, by using the product ID code 45437 in AP delivery systems. (In AP Exchange, search productid(equals)45437; in AP Newsroom, search productid:45437.) If your newspaper isn't already set up to get the full AP Sports feed in your content management system, your CMS manager will need to go to AP Webfeeds Manager and select the product ''Automated Insights - Minor League Baseball'' for ingestion.
Again, these game recaps will be generated entirely by using automation technology and that will be noted at the bottom of each recap for full transparency.
Please direct any questions or feedback to Barry Bedlan at bbedlan(at)ap.org or 972-677-2270.
AP Sports