Athletes reveal what they are most and least thankful for

In honor of Thanksgiving, The Buzzer asked a variety of athletes from different sports to tell us what they are most and least thankful for in sports and pop culture. You can follow each player on Twitter by clicking on his name. We thank Logan Morrison for going deep with his answers.
Most Thankful, Sports: That I am alive to see the greatest basketball player of all time - LBJ. This may cause some people to curse and yell at me on Twitter, but what else is new? If this man stays healthy, he will be the greatest ever. He does things that M.J. did, but more efficient, faster and with more flair. Daddy likes the flair!
Least Thankful, Sports: Bill Belichick's post game news conferences. I'd rather watch women's college basketball, post-Brittany Griner. "Reporter: 'What are you most disappointed in today about your teams performance?' Bill: 'That we didn't score more points than the other team.'" Thanks for the insight, Bill. I was wondering if you could repeatedly punch me in the coin purse while answering the next question! The uncomfortable pauses in between questions makes think that he has scared the reporters into not asking him any questions. Then another brave, ignorant soul chirps. "How do you think your defense played against their offense?" Bill: "Not good enough." I think I'm going to start rooting for the Patriots to win because I don't want to watch Captain Obvious step up to the mic and give us his analysis of what went awry.
Most Thankful, Pop Culture: Miley Cyrus diving head first off of a mountain in to the lake of insanity. She really wants to show all of us her Hannah Montana! From her frozen chicken outfit grinding up on that angel we all call Robin Thicke, to her shaven-pigtail-on-top-of-her-head hairdo. With every step she takes, she reminds us that "we can't stop and we won't stop." If Lindsay Lohan and Amanda Bynes had a threesome with Charlie Sheen, nine months later you would get "Miley Cyrus 2013." Unfortunately for her, she lost a real hottie in Liam Hemsworth. That's the best she is ever gonna do. I'm not saying that I don't like what Miley's cooking, figuratively, of course, because we all know she and Young Geezy have shared some recipes. She's a good-looking lady, but Liam is the Anyway, thank you, Miley, for entertaining the masses with the atom bomb that is your life.
Least Thankful, Pop Culture: The E! channel, except "Chelsea Lately." I have been forced to watch it way too much and the fact that I know who Liam Hemsworth is and that I said he is the has forced me to take a look at my life. I digress. All the "Keeping up with the Kardashians," the "Aaron Decker Show" and "Talk Soups," have caused a massive loss in brain cells. As my friends and family know, I need to keep every last bit I have left. I know more about what not to wear to an awards show than what to wear to a gym. I second guess myself now, making sure that I match. I have to remind myself that I am going to go sweat and stink, that no one will be concerned about what I'm wearing. Instead, they will be looking around wondering what that smell is. That's when I point at the old guy in jeans behind me doing crunches with cuff weights on his wrist. Don't know if it works, but makes me feel better!
Most Thankful, Sports: College freshman hoops class, Karen Grestle (Eagles players secretary), Jason Peters' Instagram.
Least Thankful, Sports: Thursday night NFL games, arbitrary NFL fines, artificial turf, Derrick Rose's knee.
Most Thankful, Pop Culture: Kanye rants,, Riff Raff's Instagram account, Philly bike lanes.
Least Thankful, Pop Culture: Kanye music, U.S. government's IT department, mom jeans.
Most Thankful, Sports: It's ability to bring people from anywhere and everywhere together.
Least Thankful, Sports: Brained damaged.
Most Thankful, Pop Culture: Apple TV.
Least Thankful, Pop Culture: Data and roaming charges.
Most Thankful, Sports: The fans and NFL RedZone channel.
Least Thankful, Sports: Back-door covers.
Most Thankful, Pop Culture: "Breaking Bad."
Least Thankful, Pop Culture: Justin Bieber.
Most Thankful, Sports: Great teammates.
Least Thankful, Sports: Injuries.
Most Thankful, Pop Culture: Dave Grohl.
Least Thankful, Pop Culture: Sega Saturn.
Most Thankful, Sports: That Mike Trout is on my team and not another team.
Least Thankful, Sports: Players with PED issues getting huge contracts.
Most Thankful, Pop Culture: That electronic music is now mainstream enough that I can hear it all day long.
Least Thankful, Pop Culture: Anything Kardashian.
Most Thankful, Sports: NFL RedZone Channel. Best sports watching invention ever.
Least Thankful, Sports: Too much behind the scenes access to the culture of locker rooms.
Most Thankful, Pop Culture: Twitter.
Least Thankful, Pop Culture: Annoying young pop stars.
Most Thankful, Sports: Playing the game I love! It's an honor to be a Colt! Beyond blessed!
Least Thankful, Sports: Sucks being away from my family.
Most Thankful, Pop Culture: Carrie Underwoods legs. They put on quite a show!
Least Thankful, Pop Culture: Admitting that Miley Cyrus is a pure genius!
Most Thankful, Sports: All the Dallas teams in the Metroplex to go watch during the offseason since I'm a sports nut.
Least Thankful, Sports: Not being good enough to play all of those sports I watch.
Most Thankful, Pop Culture: All the great episodes of "Family Guy." It's just a great show.
Least Thankful, Pop Culture: Chick flicks. I don't wanna see that junk. Give me comedy and sports with a side of action and a lil bit of some horror. Ain't nobody got time to cry for chick flicks.
Most Thankful, Sports: The opportunity I have to play Major League Baseball. After missing three full seasons in the minor leagues due to injury while playing as a first baseman/right fielder, there were plenty of times I didn't think it was going to happen. I am very grateful the A's granted me the opportunity to switch to pitching. Two years and two division titles later, I never could have imagined any of this!
Least Thankful, Sports: The plumbing system at the O.Co Coliseum in Oakland. All the PED using, cheating and lying that's still in our game and gives baseball a bad name. The Detroit Tigers. Mainly Justin Verlander (see ALDS Game 5 2012 and/or 2013).
Most Thankful, Pop Culture: Twitter, for giving athletes a voice they've never had before to show people who they are off the field. It gives us an opportunity to show fans we're more than sports robots and we enjoy a good joke about "Air Bud," Miley Cyrus or Kanye as much as anyone. Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone! #happy #thanksgiving #givethanks #thankful #turkey.
Least Thankful, Pop Culture: Twitter. So I shouldn't have missed my spot when I gave up that home run? You lost how much money because of me? I stink and I should be sent back to the minors? Save it. No one feels worse than we do after a tough outing or a loss. And don't even get me started on the horrible usage of hashtags!