Ashley Graham continues to make history by landing the cover of British Vogue

Just when you think Ashley Graham's breakout moment must be coming to a close, she lands another major magazine cover. And the latest one is historic.

Covering the January 2017 issue of British Vogue, Ashley becomes the first plus-size model to appear on the cover, according to Fashionista. The feat is just one of many accomplishments for the model this year. As you may recall, Ashley also landed one of three SI Swimsuit covers this year, joined InStyle as a contributor, and was named one of Glamour's Women of the Year (which in turn lead to the creation of her own Barbie!).
Despite her rise to fame for her outspoken opinions on female beauty and body diversity, the magazine insists that Ashley's size "wasn't the deciding cover factor when editor-in-chief Alexandra Shulman chose her to front the first issue of 2017.
"She is articulate, has an opinion worth listening to, and an infectious energy that anyone who has worked with her in the fashion industry will attest to," continued the Vogue staff, in a preview of the cover story.
In the feature, Ashley opens up about everything from her start in the industry to the limitations she faced because of her body type.
"Do I sometimes wish I were thinner?," she asked rhetorically. "God, in the old days, absolutely I did, but now I feel that to lose weight would be disloyal to myself. A lot of who I am is connected to my size, and I am so happy with who I am."
Shot by iconic fashion photographer Patrick Demarchelier, Ashley looks flawless in an embellished leather jacket with minimal makeup wind-blown waves. See the full photo shoot and read the full interview in the January issue which hits newsstands on Monday.
BONUS: See some of Ashley's sexiest moments from SI Swimsuit 2016!

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