AJ McCarron and the Ole Miss Playboy Model

Alabama quarterback AJ McCarron has become a bona fide star in the last six months. His girlfriend, Katherine Webb, has also parlayed her BCS title fame into something of a career, she's now famous for being famous and this leads to appearances and attention across the country.
But all has not been perfect for the Romeo and Juliet of the South, who Outkick the Coverage introduced you to back in December, when Webb had just 180 Twitter followers.
You see, the couple has a bit of a mess on their hands, a third wheel in their star-crossed relationship.
And that third wheel just happens to be an erstwhile Ole Miss student who posed in the SEC girls edition of Playboy.
An Ole Miss Playboy model student who AJ met on the sideline at last year's Ole Miss game -- Joe Namath approves -- and who spent the night at AJ's house in Tuscaloosa over the weekend.
Uh oh, scandalous.
So how in the world did this become a story?
Something called Radar Online tracked it down.
Here's their story:
“We were hanging out at his house, and I had been drinking, so he didn’t want me to drive,” Margaret Wood tells RadarOnline.com exclusively. “I did not stay at a hotel. That’s all I can say. I’m trying to be careful about what I say because I feel really bad.”
Margaret and AJ go way back, she claims — before Katherine was even on the scene. “I’ve known AJ for a long time,” Margaret explains. “He asked for my number back in the fall when I was on the sidelines at the Ole Miss-Alabama game. I didn’t even know who he was. I had no idea he was even talking to Katherine. I thought he was cute.”
AJ then met Katherine at an event in December, 2012. But he didn’t tell Margaret. “I was making plans to go see him, and then I saw on ESPN about Katherine. I was like, whatever, thanks for telling me,” Margaret says. “But it’s not like he had to tell me, I guess, since it wasn’t serious like that. I’ve kissed AJ, but it’s not a big deal.”
Here are AJ and Wood from back in November. Wood added this caption to the picture, "Quite possibly my favorite picture from the weekend. So stinking cute. #hotshot"
So how in the world did Radar Online become aware that an Ole Miss Playboy girl of the SEC spent the night at AJ McCarron's house?
Simple, Wood or her friends had to tip them off to the story.
There's no other explanation, it's not like paparazzi members are racing around Tuscaloosa on a random summer weekend snapping photos of AJ and the girls he's hanging out with. Hell, have you been to Tuscaloosa? The entire town is filled with hot girls out drinking in bars and restaurants.
Nope, Radar Online was tipped off about the night at AJ's house.
Why would Margaret Wood, who goes by the name, "thaswagprincess," on Twitter -- the fact that @theswagprincess was already taken is outstanding -- tip off a celebrity gossip site about her night with AJ?
Easy, because she gets attention.
And if you're in the lingerie model business, attention is the coin of your realm.
Well, that and ass shots on Twitter.
Wood has a bevy of additional lingerie photos linked on her Twitter account.
Tha Swag Princess has probably been jealous of Katherine Webb ever since her television appearance in the BCS title game vaulted Webb to fame. She's been thinking for six months that she could have been Webb. So if Webb's relationship with AJ can make her a star, then why can't spending the night at AJ's place and creating a love triangle do the same for Tha Swag Princess?
Yep, AJ got played by an Ole Miss lingerie model.
I know, rough life.
But it's a lesson for AJ as he attempts to win his third BCS title in four years, he's a big enough celebrity now that girls can make a name for themselves merely by being attached to him.
That's something that's relatively new in today's collegiate sports world.
So who ya got, the Ole Miss lingerie model or the Auburn Miss Alabama?
Life is so hard for AJ McCarron.