10 things to know about Mark Trumbo

10 things to know about Mark Trumbo

Published May. 10, 2013 5:56 p.m. ET

ANAHEIM, CA — While his team is struggling to keeps its head above water, Angels first baseman Mark Trumbo has been one of the few players actually earning his paycheck in 2013.  
As the 12-22 Halos spend the weekend in Chicago trying to fix what ails them, Trumbo leads the team with nine homers and 25 RBIs.
But there’s a lot more to Mark Trumbo than being a homegrown All Star for the Angels.
He’s passionate about music as well as baseball, often recording his own stuff during the offseason and down times. He also counts Riley Breckenridge of the band Thrice as a close friend. He’s had the band as his guests on the field during batting practice, and in the stands for games. He an avid traveler and gets to as many Laker and Clipper games as he possibly can. Find out some other stuff you don't know about the slugger.
What are you listening to currently?
A lot of indie rock-type stuff, from some softer music to some really heavy stuff. Pearl Jam is the mainstream band I’ve been trying to catch up on right now.
The next time we’re in Seattle I’m going to get a chance to meet (lead guitarist) Mike McCready — we have a couple mutual friends who’ve set that up. I’m really looking forward to that.
Pearl Jam or Nirvana?
Pearl Jam.
Wow, there was no hesitation there at all.
Hey (laughing), they’re both great but you asked me to pick so I had to pick.
Beatles or Rolling Stones?
How important is music in your life?
It’s huge. I do play a couple of instruments, and if I get wrapped up into that I can forget about some other things that are going on around me. I’m like every other player. Sometimes you have to get away from the game stuff when you need to. Otherwise it can be overwhelming at times.
What instrument do you play the most and what instrument do you play best?
I enjoy playing guitar the most, but I’m probably a better drummer.
Favorite sport — other than baseball — to watch and to play?
To watch, football. To play, basketball. I’m a much better basketball player; I never really got a chance to play football. I play some of the fantasy (football) stuff, but definitely a better hoops player.
What do you do during your down time?
During the season, I try to see as many movies as I can. Also, go to some theme parks. During the offseason I love to travel. I’m going to try to put together a trip to Europe for this winter. Last year, I went to Japan and Mexico, had a great time, so that was cool. I’ll also try to go to as many concerts as possible — just like any Southern California kid who grew up here.
Japan or Mexico?
Japan. That was pretty cool. It was really different, but by and large the people were super cool. It’s really eye opening to see how another culture lives on a daily basis.
Newspaper or Internet?
Internet. I still read the newspaper when I can, but I always carry an iPad with me and I’m pretty glued into that.
Twitter or Facebook?
I’d say Twitter right now, because Twitter’s a little less personal.
Favorite player — not a teammate — who you’ve met so far in your major league career?
I’ve always been a big Paul Konerko fan, and I really like the way he’s goes about conducting his business. He has consistent seasons year after year. I’ve had a chance to talk to him a lot — especially at the All Star Game last year — and that was one of the highlights of my career.
Being a Southern California kid and you have to move — no choice. Where are you going?
Pacific Northwest, probably Seattle. I love it up there—it’s awesome. I don’t mind the rain at all and it’s beautiful. That would be an easy choice.
