SOCHI SCENE: Awash in lights

SOCHI, Russia (AP) A stadium of lights is warming up a chilly night at the Sochi Olympics.
Organizers for the opening ceremony put cloth bags on every seat in Fisht Stadium that included a guide to the ceremony and a faux Olympic medal that they asked those in attendance to put around their necks. The medals light up in several different colors, including blue, white and violet.
The decorations are sending shockwaves of light in sync with the upbeat techno music playing in the background as each nation is introduced.
The night started with loud chants of ''Russia! Russia!'' from the proud hometown crowd. The Ukrainians received a loud ovation from a boisterous group of flag-waving supporters, but the Jamaicans may have been one of the biggest hits of the party. The five-athlete contingent marched jubilantly to loud cheers before the hometown team took over.
The announcer paused for dramatic effect before the Russians were introduced, and the lights formed a red, white and blue waving flag as the crowd leaped to its feet and clapped along to a thumping beat that shook the building. Quite an entrance.
- Jon Krawczynski - Twitter
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