Brazil auditors say Rio subway may not be ready for 2016 Olympics

Brazil auditors say Rio subway may not be ready for 2016 Olympics

Published Jul. 7, 2015 1:47 p.m. ET


The extension of a subway line to the Olympic Park may not be ready before the games start August 2016, Brazilian auditors said Tuesday.

According to the O Globo newspaper, a report by the Rio de Janeiro State Audit Court said there is a "high risk" that the extension of a subway line to the main venues at the Olympic Park in Barra da Tijuca will not be operating before the beginning of the Olympics.

"There can no longer be any delays in the construction of the subway's extension if it is to be ready on time for the Olympics," O Globo quoted the court's report as saying.


The court's press office confirmed the newspaper's report but did not immediately provide further details.

Meanwhile, another Olympic venue is also facing possible delays.

A federal judge in Rio de Janeiro has ordered the temporary suspension of a 60 million real ($18.8 million) project to revitalize the city's Gloria Marina, where the Olympic sailing events are scheduled to be held.

Judge Marcelo Pereira da Silva said on Monday that the project had significantly changed and would damage the landscape by cutting down a large number of trees.
