Popular YouTube channel WatchMojo counts down top 10 movie car crashes
Feb. 25, 2015 3:44 p.m. ET

Samuel Reiman

WatchMojo.com is a YouTube channel that has almost 7 million subscribers as of Wednesday, Feb. 25.
Uploading around 3-4 videos per day, the channel primarily consists of top 10 lists – mostly movie related – which could range from anything from “Top 10 Controversial Movies (EXPLICIT)” to “Top 10 Cutest Animated Couples in Movies.”
However, they also don’t forget to give the occasional shout-out to the four-wheeled machines that make many movies so memorable with, in fact, a playlist dedicated to “Greatest Cars From TV and Movies.”
However, their latest countdown that caught our attention is their “Top 10 Movie Car Crashes” video, which was uploaded on Tuesday.
WARNING: Video contains some graphic movie sequences: