Motorbike lands on Jeep's hood after leaping over sand dune
Feb. 7, 2017 12:23 p.m. ET

Samuel Reiman
Is this guy lucky or unlucky?
Jumping over a sand dune in the middle of a desert in Qatar and colliding with another vehicle is most definitely unlucky.
However, getting away with just clipping the hood and somehow being able to stick the landing is equally as lucky.
This incident could have been tragic, and yet could have easily been avoided had the rider’s mates at the top of the dune let him know that there was a convoy on the other side.
Fortunately, no one was injured, and the only real casualty is the hood of the Jeep Wrangler than the KTM 450 SXF hit, although - let’s be honest - that tire mark looks pretty cool:

Image: Desert Dirtbikes/YouTube