Jay Leno pilots a 20,000 horsepower hovercraft

Jay Leno pilots a 20,000 horsepower hovercraft

Published Dec. 9, 2016 1:27 p.m. ET

Jay Leno has been behind the wheel of many powerful vehicles during his time, but this one definitely takes the cake.

The U.S. Navy’s LCAC, which stands for Landing Craft Air Cushion, boasts 20,000 horsepower, although, to be fair, only 10,000 of that goes toward pushing the vehicle forward.

The other 10,000 horsepower goes to pushing the machine up in the air.


That’s right, the LCAC is actually a 20,000 horsepower hovercraft.

Measuring in at 87 feet long, the 182-ton vehicle is capable of 80 mph over water.

The vehicle was built to quickly transport people and equipment from land to sea and back.

During this nine-minute video from Jay Leno’s Garage, the former talk show host gets behind the controls and helps navigate the hovercraft from Camp Pendleton in California to the USS Comstock, where it parks inside the dock landing ship.

If you’re after your own personal hovercraft, however, you may want to look somewhere else.

All of this power and technology isn’t cheap, with the LCAC coming in at $41 million.
