F1: Hamilton under fire after podium girl photo goes viral

Two-time Formula One World Champion Lewis Hamilton has won 35 times since entering the sport in 2007. His latest win came on Sunday at the 2015 Chinese Grand Prix.
After each grand prix, it has became tradition in the 65-year-old sport for the top three finishers to stand at the top of the podium, listen to the national anthems of the winning driver and car manufacturer, before spraying champagne across the podium, at each other, at the fans and at anyone else who happens to be in the vicinity.
However, Hamilton has came under fire after the most recent podium ceremony in which a photo was taken of him spraying champagne at a woman on the podium, who didn’t seem to be enjoying it too much.
According to the Daily Mail, Roz Hardie, CEO of Object, an anti-sexism group, is calling on Hamilton to apologize as “the photographs appear to show that the woman is not just being splashed, but that the champagne is being very specifically directed into her face, which does not look like a voluntary piece of horseplay on her part.
“If this is the case we think Lewis Hamilton should apologize for his actions and think carefully about how he behaves in the future. For most people, it would be apparent that she is not enjoying it. It is surely a very difficult position to be a grid girl and she would have had little option but to stand there and take it. That is something of which he should be aware. But instead, he appears to have abused her position.
“It’s unfortunate that a great victory has been marred by what appears to be selfish and inconsiderate behavior.”

Lewis Hamilton seen celebrating victory at the 2014 Spanish Grand Prix.
It is not just Hardie who is asking Hamilton for an apology, however, with many individuals taking to Twitter and expression their dissatisfaction with Hamilton's actions.
This is not the first time that Lewis Hamilton has sprayed a podium girl with champagne and – in fact – it is an act that has been repeated by several drivers in various forms of motor sports over the years.
This is surely not the last time we’ll hear about whether there is sexism within racing organizations as – just two weeks ago – the FIA WEC announced that it would no longer have grid girls at any of its races, which also sparked a lively debate amongst motor racing fans.

Sebastian Vettel sprays champagne at the podium girls after winning the 2012 Indian Grand Prix.

MotoGP rider Marco Melandri sprays champagne at a podium girl following the 2006 Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix.