F1: 'Crashtor' Maldonado blames fruits for rotten reputation

Pastor Maldonado has fended off his growing reputation as a crash-prone F1 driver.
The Venezuelan has been nicknamed “Crashtor” by many Formula One fans and even some media outlets.
There is even one unflattering website that mischievously lists the days and hours since Maldonado's last crash at http://hasmaldonadocrashedtoday.com/
Likewise, the Twitter account @DidPastorCrash reports on whether Maldonado was involved in an incident during each Formula One testing, practice, qualifying and race session.
The PDVSA-backed Lotus driver, however, insists his reputation as a crasher is undeserved.
"When Pastor crashes, its big news," Maldonado told The Telegraph. "When the other people crash, there is no news.
"To find the limit, you need to cross the limit. I think I have the big balls to cross the limit every time."
After four races, he has failed to cross the finishing line in 2015, with two of his retirements being due to incidents – though neither of which was he at fault.
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