Driver awarded $500 for taking out finish line banner

Motor racing is a physical sport and, most of the time, when the worn-out drivers finish the race, they just drive across the line, let off the gas and give the odd fist pump or two if they won.
However, there are other ways to finish races, too, as proven best perhaps by NASCAR driver Clint Bowyer at the 2007 Daytona 500 when he slid across the finish line upside-down and on fire:

Yet even that might have a tough time competing with what the driver of this No Respect RZR XP 1000 buggy did at the Rock Bouncer Course at the Sturgis Offroad Blowout.
As the driver approaches the finish line (at the 0:55 mark in the video), he hits the last jump flat out, causing his buggy to break into a front flip and land on the ground upside down. It’s not over yet, though, as the buggy then elegantly uses its roll cage to roll back onto its wheels and complete the flip, taking out the finish line banner as it did so.
Afterward, the driver was awarded $500 for taking the banner out. Well played.
Video by BustedKnuckleVideo