Tiger Woods wrote letter of support to bullied teen

By Jason Rowan
Tiger Woods generally prefers to remain low key when it comes to his random acts of kindness for fans, but a recent letter he wrote to a bullied teen who recently attempted suicide is receiving well-deserved attention.
Former LPGA player Sophie Gustafson endured a very public battle during her career with stuttering and has become a crusader for those afflicted with the condition. She recently became aware of the very troubling and heartbreaking ordeal of a youngster named Dillon, who has battled issues with stuttering as well. Gustafson corresponded with the boy’s mother and learned just how terrible things have become for the young man.
Dillon apparently works very hard to overcome the issues associated with stuttering, even joining his high school football team this past year. But teasing by his teammates prompted him to quit the team, something that sent him into a downward spiral that ultimately culminated with him attempting suicide.
Golf Digest‘s Ron Sirak, in a heartbreaking column, recently shared an email from Dillon’s mother to Gustafson, which is when Woods became part of the story.
“He continues to love to watch golf and is still a fan of Tiger,” his mom wrote. “Is there anyway we could get his story to Tiger and see if he could help find something encouraging for [him] to look forward to?”
Gustafon noted on Twitter over the weekend that Woods came through for the young man.

Woods has been roundly criticized throughout his career for a public persona that seems downright aloof and distant at times. Although when juxtaposed with the tremendous things accomplished and millions of dollars that have been raised through the foundation that bears his name, perhaps those criticisms are unfair.
Moreover, Woods performs numerous acts of charity and goodwill that often go under-reported or unnoticed, so it’s refreshing that his thoughtful demonstration of kindness for a youngster who has been unfairly forced to endure far too much in his young life is garnering attention.
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